Warrior foosball tables
Warrior foosball tables

Two nights ago i had company and they wanted to see my foosball room and I stepped up to my Tornado like I have done a thousand times before with company.I stepped up and tried to whack a few real hard to wow them and I actually began to injure myself because the rods were so sluggish. Now, when I go back to my Tornado, I feel like I am pulling lead through molten rock. Every shot of mine is better and not by a small margin. Things changed as I understood how not to use so much muscle and let the rod do the work.

warrior foosball tables

I thought seems smoother a little but I don't see the big difference but i stuck with and week after week went by and i logged longer hours. When i first opened it up, i had heard so much about the rods my expectations were high and at first they didn't seem special at all, they actually felt stiff at first but that improved with cleaning and silicone.

warrior foosball tables

* RODS, RODS, RODS.i have saved this for last because it is SOOOO much better.War is a universe apart with heavy solid rods and Tornado, well they are the same right? they are both hollow and both heat treated.NO! not in the same arena.if they were baseball, Fireball rods would be Major League and Tornado would be Little, just kidding, they are more like single A Minor League * PLAYERS FOOT.Warrior is at least in the discussion and Tornado made improvements when they redesigned their foot (but didn't go the entire way) but Fireball worked out all the kinks and you get a man that can tic tac as well or better than any table made, it will handle front toes as well or better than any foot on any table, it allows for crisp exact angles every time like the old TS did which means kick shooter and banks are back in the game, it can shoot a straight set shot as good or better than any table, no sacrifice on brush passing, better in my mind than Tornado which was the best, AND last, THE BEST DESIGN FOR A BACKPIN EVER! Warrior was good, much better than Tornado and I liked Tornado, but it is out of this world on Fireball * FEET.way better than Tornado's comparitively cheap plastic feet.these are metal, very sturdy, and have a rubber bottom with ribbed to set sturdy on any surface * LEGS.substantially better - metal and weight probably 4 times what a Tornado leg weighs and are hollow so they can be filled with sand or lead shot

warrior foosball tables

* BEARINGS.better made and bigger so it lets the rod through if you want to remove it

warrior foosball tables

The enters Fireball.i now have over 40 hours on the table and I can tell you without a doubt its the best table ever made.I think the fit and finish is better than Tornado and Warrior isn't even in the discussion but even my first generation home model is argueably better than Tornado's coin op T3000.some will argue but let me tell you what you can not argue because it just facts.these things on the Fireball home model and therefore on their coin op too: There is no comparing these tables, Tornado has been making the premire table and only Tournament table for nearly 40 years, Warrior played great but couldn't hold up to the rigors of tournament play and the heavy solid rods took a tool on some arms and I think if it was out an extended period of time, these heavy rods would damage people

Warrior foosball tables